Entities wishing to become accredited registrars are required to:
(a)apply to the Authority by completing the application form in the First Schedule on page 10 of the regulation
(b)pay the accreditation and administration fees specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations.
(c) Application to be completed through the Tanzanite portal tanzaniteportal

The following documents must accompany an application for accreditation:
(a)business profile;
(b)certified copy of company registration certificate; or
(c)proof of ICANN accreditation; and
(d)any other document as the Authority may direct.
After examining the submitted application, the Authority may accredit the prospective applicant as an accredited registrar.

If the applicant fails to comply with the application requirements outlined in this regulation, the Authority may either reject the application or require minor corrections.

Detailed information is available on this regulation regulation

Mawasiliano Towers.

20 Sam Nujoma Road
P.O Box 474
14414 Dar Es Salaam

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+255 22 2412011 - 2

Mon to Fri 8am to 4pm

rajisi 'at' tcra.go.tz

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